
Import or automatically manage your users with Sigilium

4 solutions for your email signatures

May 14, 2024


Import or automatically manage your users with Sigilium

4 solutions for your email signatures

May 14, 2024

1. Benefit from Sigilium's dedicated import module / Drag and drop

Our unique import module allows you to generate all company email signatures via a simple excel or csv file.

👉 Main advantage: you test the data you import and we automatically detect any errors in your file. No more broken or incorrect signatures due to typos and email address errors!

How it works:

  1. Upload your excel or csv file

  2. Verify the data and test your import

  3. Sigilium detects and lists existing errors

  4. Modify your file if necessary

  5. Click import, it's done!

What if I re-import?
For each user, you can see the information already present on the platform and the information that will be replaced when re-importing a file.

You are in control from start to finish! And you can manage hundreds of users in just a few clicks.

Let's get started!

1. Benefit from Sigilium's dedicated import module / Drag and drop

Our unique import module allows you to generate all company email signatures via a simple excel or csv file.

👉 Main advantage: you test the data you import and we automatically detect any errors in your file. No more broken or incorrect signatures due to typos and email address errors!

How it works:

  1. Upload your excel or csv file

  2. Verify the data and test your import

  3. Sigilium detects and lists existing errors

  4. Modify your file if necessary

  5. Click import, it's done!

What if I re-import?
For each user, you can see the information already present on the platform and the information that will be replaced when re-importing a file.

You are in control from start to finish! And you can manage hundreds of users in just a few clicks.

Let's get started!

2. Synchronize your users with Microsoft 365 Active Directory or Google Workspace

If the data in your Active Directory company directory is up to date, you can automatically synchronize all users, or only a part of it.

👉 Main advantage: we automatically detect new users, as well as deleted users. Onboarding new users is made easier.

2 options:

  • Automated daily synchronization of information. The AD information prevails. The user is unable to modify their contact details.

  • Or an initial synchronization, modifiable by the user in case of errors or incorrect formatting of information. With automatic detection and addition of newly created accounts.

How it works:

  1. Define the data to synchronize

  2. We test the result together

  3. once the sync is validated, you don't have to do anything else

Can we exclude users from automatic synchronization?
Yes, absolutely. You can manually desynchronize users of your choice from your account on Sigilium.

Prepare the sync!

2. Synchronize your users with Microsoft 365 Active Directory or Google Workspace

If the data in your Active Directory company directory is up to date, you can automatically synchronize all users, or only a part of it.

👉 Main advantage: we automatically detect new users, as well as deleted users. Onboarding new users is made easier.

2 options:

  • Automated daily synchronization of information. The AD information prevails. The user is unable to modify their contact details.

  • Or an initial synchronization, modifiable by the user in case of errors or incorrect formatting of information. With automatic detection and addition of newly created accounts.

How it works:

  1. Define the data to synchronize

  2. We test the result together

  3. once the sync is validated, you don't have to do anything else

Can we exclude users from automatic synchronization?
Yes, absolutely. You can manually desynchronize users of your choice from your account on Sigilium.

Prepare the sync!

3. Use Sigilium's API

Use Sigilium's API to synchronize user coordinates, without going through the AD. A simple and secure solution, for a tailor-made result.

👉 Major advantage: you synchronize the fields of your choice from any source. You can use many customized fields according to your needs.

How it works:

  1. You prepare the data to send

  2. We check together the synchronized information

  3. Modify your sync at any time

Can we exclude users from automatic synchronization?

Yes absolutely. You can manually unsynchronize the users of your choice from your account on Sigilium.

Access the API!

3. Use Sigilium's API

Use Sigilium's API to synchronize user coordinates, without going through the AD. A simple and secure solution, for a tailor-made result.

👉 Major advantage: you synchronize the fields of your choice from any source. You can use many customized fields according to your needs.

How it works:

  1. You prepare the data to send

  2. We check together the synchronized information

  3. Modify your sync at any time

Can we exclude users from automatic synchronization?

Yes absolutely. You can manually unsynchronize the users of your choice from your account on Sigilium.

Access the API!

4. Sync users' data with your HRIS directly!

Sigilium allows you to synchronize email signature information directly via an API connection with your HR software! Discover our native integration with Lucca or PayFit.

4. Sync users' data with your HRIS directly!

Sigilium allows you to synchronize email signature information directly via an API connection with your HR software! Discover our native integration with Lucca or PayFit.

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You're wondering what an email signature is exactly? It's simply a block of text, images, and links that you place at the bottom of your emails. Basically, it's like a virtual professional business card that appears with every email sent!

Generally, it contains the sender's contact details, who signs the message, and thus confirms their identity. These typically include the name, position, company name, address, phone number, and email address. These details allow your contacts to quickly identify and reach out to you if needed.

☝️ But be aware, an email signature is much more than just contact information! It's a genuine communication and marketing tool.

With a well-thought-out signature, you can:

  • Enhance your brand image by including your logo and colors, similar to a well-crafted business card

  • Drive qualified traffic to your website or social media with just one click

  • Showcase your latest content (blog articles, white papers, webinars...) directly in the email inboxes of your clients and prospects

  • Promote special offers, enticing discounts, or can't-miss events

  • Facilitate interaction and engagement from your correspondents through simple actions, like scheduling appointments, inviting them to contact or follow you with ease

  • Share legal information, always in a professional manner

In short, the email signature offers you valuable space to convey key messages systematically and on a large scale. It's an opportunity to deliver targeted and relevant content in every email exchange. It's like automatically distributing a personalized business card along with a tailored message to each of your contacts! When used effectively, it becomes a powerful lever for enhancing your visibility, generating leads, and strengthening trust and relationships.

You're wondering what an email signature is exactly? It's simply a block of text, images, and links that you place at the bottom of your emails. Basically, it's like a virtual professional business card that appears with every email sent!

Generally, it contains the sender's contact details, who signs the message, and thus confirms their identity. These typically include the name, position, company name, address, phone number, and email address. These details allow your contacts to quickly identify and reach out to you if needed.

☝️ But be aware, an email signature is much more than just contact information! It's a genuine communication and marketing tool.

With a well-thought-out signature, you can:

  • Enhance your brand image by including your logo and colors, similar to a well-crafted business card

  • Drive qualified traffic to your website or social media with just one click

  • Showcase your latest content (blog articles, white papers, webinars...) directly in the email inboxes of your clients and prospects

  • Promote special offers, enticing discounts, or can't-miss events

  • Facilitate interaction and engagement from your correspondents through simple actions, like scheduling appointments, inviting them to contact or follow you with ease

  • Share legal information, always in a professional manner

In short, the email signature offers you valuable space to convey key messages systematically and on a large scale. It's an opportunity to deliver targeted and relevant content in every email exchange. It's like automatically distributing a personalized business card along with a tailored message to each of your contacts! When used effectively, it becomes a powerful lever for enhancing your visibility, generating leads, and strengthening trust and relationships.

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