ruby powershell
  • Introduction
  • Authentication
  • Get Signatures data
  • Update users data
  • Update organizations data
  • Introduction

    The Sigilium API V3 uses the standard OAuth2 protocol.


    Use the access_token in your Company settings

    Every administrator has an access_token ready to use in the admin section (via Settings > Company Settings). You can use it directly to have signatures from the Sigilium API V3.

    Get an access_token with classic OAuth2 flow

    If your want to provide Sigilium integration in your app:

    # the code is on the callback
    # params[:code] = "34553.."
    # These variables come from Sigilium. Ask
    client =, APPLICATION_SECRET, site: "")
    # is an example to redirect the user after getting the access_token.
    token = client.auth_code.get_token(params[:code], redirect_uri: "")
    token_hash = token.to_hash
    access_token = token_hash[:access_token]

    Get Signatures data

    HTTP Request


    Query Parameters

    Parameter Default Description
    emails none Commat separated list of emails. Example:,
    access_token none The access_token form the Authentication
    link = "{emails}&access_token=#{access_token}"
    signatures = JSON.parse(open(link).read)

    The above command returns JSON structured like this:

      "signatures": [
          "email": "",
          "html_content": "\u003ctable style=\"sigiliumSignature:true\"\u003e\u003ctbody\u003e\u003ctr\u003e\u003ctd\u003e\u003ca href=\"https://sigilium.test/signatures/rck1fdsklktM8JDTu4jaorc/link\"\u003e\u003cimg src=\"https://sigilium.test/signatures/rcAQfNocKOlfmis9R0TG1aG0S4rF8rc/150/image.jpg\" style=\"max-height: 150px; max-width: 450px; height: 150px !important; width: 450px !important; border: 0; outline: none; color: #9ec500\" width=\"450\" height=\"150\" alt=\"Marina Loiseau - Légende - +33 1 83 64 02 13\"\u003e\u003c/a\u003e\u003c/td\u003e\u003c/tr\u003e\u003c/tbody\u003e\u003c/table\u003e"

    Update users data

    HTTP Request


    Query Parameters

    Parameter Default Description
    users none An array of users
    user fields none objectguid, mail, givenname, surname, jobtitle, phone, mobilephone, streetaddress, postalcode, city, organizationguid, organizationname, custom1, custom2
    access_token none The access_token form the Authentication

    For user fields , only the mail param is mandatory. All other fields can be omitted. If more fields are provided , they will be ignored. If you need we can activate custom fields for your organization: ask at

    curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"access_token":"YOURACCESSTOKEN","users": [{"mail": "", "jobtitle": "tester"}, {"mail": "", "jobtitle": "developer"}]}'

    The above command returns an http 201 accept header

    File upload

    You can also upload a json file with the users data

    A sample file can be seen here

    You also can upload a csv (';' separated and utf-8 encoded)

    See our sample csv file

    curl -F 'file=@/filepath/filename.json'  -X POST
    $accessToken = "YOURACCESSTOKEN"
    $filename = "sigilium.csv"
    function Upload-CSV($token, $filePath){
      $usersCsvFile = Get-Item -Path "$filePath"
      $fileEndpoint = ""
      $Auth = "Bearer $token "
      Write-Host "Will upload CSV to Sigilium"
      $wc = new-object System.Net.WebClient
      $wc.Headers.Add("Authorization", $Auth)
      $byteRes = $wc.UploadFile($fileEndpoint, $usersCsvFile)
      $response = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString($byteRes)
      Write-Host $response
    Upload-CSV $accessToken $filename

    The above command returns an http 201 accept header

    Update organizations data

    HTTP Request


    Query Parameters

    Parameter Default Description
    organizations none An array of organizations
    organization fields none objectGuid, internalName, fullName, phone, custom1, custom2
    disclaimer, full_url
    facebook, mastodon, twitter
    address_line_1, address_line_2, address_line_3, address_country_iso
    access_token none The access_token form the Authentication

    For organization fields , only the objectguid or internalname param is mandatory. All other fields can be omitted. If more fields are provided , they will be ignored. If you need we can activate custom fields for your organization: ask at

    curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"access_token":"YOURACCESSTOKEN","organizations": [{"internalName": "group name", "github": ""}, {"internalName": "group name 2", "github": ""}]}'

    The above command returns an http 201 accept header